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Elemental Quest. Fall 2014

Elemental Quest is a fantasy/monster collecting board and card game in which up to four players make their way through a multi-level board, encountering wild monsters, battling them, and collecting them in order to assemble an elite team and take on the elemental guardians, collect keystones, and take out the final boss.
This is the first board game I ever worked on, and I contributed to the game and system design, as well as some of the character art and UI. Jay Freeman and Fernando Dos Santos also worked on this game.
Here you can see some pictures of the finished game:
Photo of the finished game, including the 3-level Board, Monster cards, Keystone cards, and player playmats.
Photo of the finished game, including the 3-level Board, Monster cards, and Keystone cards.
Photo of the finished game, including some Monster cards, Keystone cards, and the player playmats.
This is some of the monster art for the game that I worked on:
Monster Art: The Blazerunner.
Monster Art: The Boulder.
Monster Art: The Dark Wraith.
Monster Art: The Guardian.
Monster Art: The Heat Wyvern.
Monster Art: The Hippocampus.
Monster Art: The Reaper.
Monster Art: The River Spirits.
Monster Art: The Sand Devil.
Keystone Art: The Dark Keystone.
Keystone Art: The Earth Keystone.
Keystone Art: The Fire Keystone.
Keystone Art: The Light Keystone.
Keystone Art: The Water Keystone.
Keystone Art: The Wind Keystone.
Elemental Quest. Fall 2014

Elemental Quest. Fall 2014

Elemental Quest. A fantasy, monster-collecting, 4-player board game.
